Monday, March 16, 2009

March Featured Etsy Seller-Jadefrolics!

Jadefrolics' art is wonderfully whimsical and reminiscent of Alice and Wonderland, you just never know what the result will be, so EXPECT the UNEXPECTED! Her designs are colorful, inspiring, and at times will make you laugh out loud. I love this artist's work, and I know you will too. Get to know Jadefrolics, then visit the links to her websites for purchasing information.

1. If you had a choice, what kind of food would you be and why?

Hmmmm... I think I'd want to be a fruitcake. My thought is this: Nobody actually LIKES fruitcake. It's that one "food" that just keeps getting passed around and around, sometimes shot out of cannons (Seriously, I saw it on TV!) but never actually eaten. If someone thought they might like fruitcake, they would probably pretend not to just for the stigma associated with it. So I could just hang out and see the world until I got old and stale, and I'd never end up in anyone's belly. It sounds perfect!

2. What inspires you the most when it comes to your work?

Inspiration for me comes in a lot of different forms. It often seems pretty random what might inspire a new idea for an illustration, so I always keep my eyes peeled! Ancient mythology is often inspiring-- I love taking old ideas and showing them in a new (and weird) way. The same can be said for fairy tales; there's just something satisfying about taking a story everyone knows and adding a personal flavor to it.

3. What would be your ultimate superpower?

Definitely the power to conjure kittens on command. I guess a smarter choice of superpower would be the ability to conjure *anything* on command, but I would probably just use it for conjuring kittens anyway.

4. What do you want people to know about your work?

My goal with everything I do is to stay true to myself and my own style. I know there really is nothing new under the sun, but when I create what *I* am truly passionate about, then I know that the work that comes out is unique. If someone likes my work enough to purchase it, I want them to be confident that they are purchasing something they won't find anywhere else, for better or worse!

5. Why is it important to buy and sell handmade?
5. When I recently started Etsy, I really wasn't very familiar with the handmade movement. But after I got my very first sale, I got this awesome tingly feeling in my stomach. Buying handmade feels good too, because you know you're giving someone else the that tingly feeling. If everyone gets that warm, fuzzy feeling from selling and buying handmade goods, then it is of the utmost importance to keep buying and selling handmade! It just feels good-- what can be better than the warm fuzzies?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, Thanks so much for featuring my work. Your blog and shop are great!